Meet Elize
I have good news for you...
You own something so valuable that even if I offered you 100 million dollars, you wouldn't sell it to me. Yes, it is true. You own something worth far more that millions of dollars! Wondering what that could possibly be?
Here is the answer...
Your greatest asset at this very moment is... Your future! Why? Because as long as you have a future, anything is possible for you. As long as you have a future there is hope!
However, you might not be filled with brimming happiness over the 'endless possibilities' for your future. In fact, you might feel that you haven't achieved the results you've been striving for. You might hear the deafening chatter of mediocrity in your ear. You might be growing exhausted from holding up a shield against what appears to be a losing battle. You might see yourself as clinging to the arms of a clock, desperately trying to slow down time while finding it extremely difficult to deal with the unmuzzled voices of judgement and criticism ringing in your ears. You might be growing weary of constantly scanning the horizon for glimmers of hope and a secure future.
If this is you, take heart.
You still have a future, and as long as you have a future, anything is possible!
Now, I'm not talking about some ambiguous form of hope, or the warm and fuzzy side of the word future. I'm talking about a hardcore reality - You have one very real life, one very real future, one very real opportunity to be ignited and empowered to use your time to create a happy and secure future, a life filled with achievement, meaning and significance.
It is my mission to equip you to see all your dormant dreams and hidden potential come to light! It is my vision to see you live a thriving and successful 'show-stopper' life.
Why am I able to support, empower and help you?
Over the years, I've studied Psychology, Information Science, Management and Business. I also trained as a Life Coach in England and a Business Coach in the United States. I've lived and worked in numerous countries. I now reside in Australia with my husband and two gorgeous daughters. So I am also a mother and a wife. My coaching revolves around preaching what I practice. As a director of multiple companies I understand the reality of running a business and therefore all content is developed from real life experiences and success methods.
I have utilised all these different fields of study and experience to develop my own unique brand of coaching. My background and experience has sharpened my skills as a behavioural specialist and success strategist, which I use to shed light on the habits and internal drivers needed for success.
The reason for being a guest speaker at countless conferences and invigorating events, an author of several published books including - The Naked Truth About You, as well as working as a business, executive and life coach is to make what I know accessible to you in many different forms.
Whether you’re seeking business advice, needing assistance in forming plans to achieve your dreams or desiring to re-establish healthy relationships; I understand that each aspect of life, no matter how varied, is important, and I’ll give my all alongside you. You deserve to live a life brimming with influence and success, so harness what lies within you today!
To take the next step along your journey, check out the handy tips and resources I've compiled on the Free Resources page. Varying from time-management cheat codes and cash-flow trackers to focus tools and long-way-off goal activation methods - there's something for you! Be sure to give the list a look.
And remember, success and happiness are assets you can possess!