Meet Elize
Entrepreneur, business and life coach, motivational speaker and innovation smart hub manager, Elize Hattin Super Coach has been described as the new mega-mind of the coaching and personal development industry. She is a free-thinker, passionate about redefining the status quo, while breathing much needed life into an industry vital for economic and personal progression.
Her background and education in Psychology, Information Science and Business are merely some of the wells she draws her depth of knowledge from. After completing a Psychology degree, she explored and pursued dreams and aspirations at the London College of Fashion. Here she soon realized her purpose was redesigning the inner wardrobes and creating ‘show-stopper’ lives from the inside out.
Elize has gained a massive following over the last decade and has had the opportunity to be associated with leading figures on national and international levels.
Elize is also Manager of Rockhampton Regional Council’s Smart Hub – a co-working facility geared at helping startups in the region to maximise early-stage business success. As part of the Smart Hub initiative Elize is also involved in running workshops and programs for local students, businesses and aspirant startups. (For more information on the Smart Hub, click here)
Elize’s easy-going nature, intuitive communication ability and warm but determined personality continues to fascinate and captivate audiences.
Elize is a firm believer in impacting and contributing to her community as well as supporting the less fortunate of our world.
Elize Hattin Super Coach is a global force, a star on the rise, coming to a city near you.

Keynote Speaker
There's something magical about being surrounded by people with the same intention, passion and desire. When attending conferences I'm captivated and excited by one key fact: We all want to achieve greater stability, achievement, meaning, significance and success.
I attend conferences to inspire others and coach them on the what, when and how of success, but the why overwhelms me every time. So many people desire to have a greater impact. It is truly inspiring for so many people to be passionate about producing quality. For so many to be determined to transform their lives from the ordinary to extraordinary; it gets me so fired up!
Conferences are a fully immersive experience like no other!

Phew!!! Elize made me feel her energy - I now want to get cracking and get moving to achieve all that I want - I can do this!

Great with engaging with the audience. Couldn't stop watching & listening to her.

Elize was an excellent, relatable and brilliant speaker. She was very inspiring, I really got a lot out of her talk. Loved it!

Elize is the most amazing and inspiring speaker! She lifts you up for longer! I will be buzzing for days, not hours after an Elize Hattin session!
I'm honoured to receive feedback like this, and I hope that we can continue to support and inspire one another in the future!
Coaching Programs
With more than10 years of coaching experience, I'm more passionate then ever for seeing people receive the results they've been longing for! Each of my programs is a life-altering, hands-on package, focusing on mastering your mind, body and emotions in order to achieve your dreams. Because your dreams are unique to you, each program is highly personalised and tailored to suit your specific situation.
However, to make catering the training to your situation easier, my coaching programs are divided into 3 main categories:
Business Coaching
Are you a business owner or partner?
Then you'd probably agree that running a business can be thoroughly taxing (not to mention stressful).
But I have good news; it doesn't have to be!
With the right principles, strategies and goals, your business can flourish into the powerful entity you've been dreaming of. After experiencing personal success in business ventures, I built up an understanding of seven key business elements. And with methods for implementing and expanding on these principles, your business will be thriving in no time!
Executive Coaching
Do you just keep climbing and climbing and climbing... and yet never seem to make it to the level you have in your sights? Or maybe all those obligations and mundane tasks are bogging you down? Don't even have a clue where those extra few hours of the day went? Are you determined to make a far-reaching impact... but can't quite figure out where to start?
There are few things worse than an unmet desire. That's why I created Executive Coaching - to make peak performance and leadership an easily attainable reality!
If you are a top-performing individual (or determined to be one!), then Executive Coaching is the open door you've been waiting for.
Life Coaching
Evidently the business and corporate world fit into the category of 'life'. But it's impossible for us all to be business owners or top performing executives, and, being completely honest, we don't all want to be! That's why Life Coaching was created - It's important to recognise your unique life purpose and become grounded in a role that truly suits you and allows you to have a far-reaching impact on others.
Our lives are the fundamental basis of, well... our existence. The core of who we are, what we think, feel and do is what shapes every aspect of our lives. That's why Life Coaching is geared towards getting those basic principles right, so that everything else falls into place around them.
Single Strategy Session
Have a crazy big project to tackle? There's an upcoming event that's got you shaking like a leaf? Just formed a new team and it's clear no one really knows what they're doing?
Single Strategy Sessions are geared towards those important changes, to all the 'life-defining moments'. The session is about ensuring your new procedures will work from the get go. It's for guaranteeing your event reaps the due rewards. It's for making sure your whole team is not only on the same page, but equipped, focused and ready to achieve success.
Interested in a Single Strategy Session? Want to inquire about the details?
Head-start Resources
Why wait for tomorrow? Get started on transforming your life today!
Take a look at my compiled free resources for easy strategies and solutions to a number of common problems we face. Whether it relates to time-management, finances or goal setting; you'll find tools that both simplify and empower your life!
The Naked Truth About You
As a coach I've met countless individuals over the years. And yet, we all have one thing in common:
We want the rest of our lives to be the best of our lives.
We strive our hardest with what we have and what we know, but sometimes what we currently know isn't enough. And how are we supposed to discover more? Get another (or our first) university degree? Do we really have the liberty of that much time and money? No, for most of us, that kind of information just isn't easily accessible. Due to that, my book, The Naked Truth About You, was born out of a passion for presenting life-altering information to any individual who wants to improve their life.
The Naked Truth About You is the result of numerous years spent reading, researching, questioning, studying, working with clients and piecing things together to build up an understanding of our minds, bodies and emotions. It's my down-to-earth guide chock-full of practical, effective, and yet surprisingly simple strategies.
We all deserve to live our lives to the fullest - to live extraordinary lives, and The Naked Truth About You makes it all that much easier.
Free Resources
Want to transform your life but aren't sure how or even where to start?
Here's the solution: I've compiled resources with the sole purpose of jump-starting your extraordinary life. And best of all, they're completely free!
The resources vary from time-management cheat codes and tools for tracking your daily cash flow, to methods for getting your life in focus and activating those long-way-off goals.
If you’re tired of repeating little mistakes or searching for procedures in vain, these resources are the solution to your problems!